We are lawyers and mediators in criminal law but also in other fields of law. We are pioneers in finding a new way of lawyering and peacemaking, e.g. by coaching our clients in their (self) forgiveness process and finding a sustainable solution for their problems. We teach Mindfulness in Law at the University of Amsterdam and we organise conferences and get-togethers for lawyers that also want to make a change. At Lola Lik we are building a new Verzoenkamer, like we did in Amsterdam- Noord, where everybody is welcome to come to a reconciliation.
We help newcomers by given training on how to divorce and fight and make peace in our culture, about the Poldermodel and a compromise, about Beterburen and about mediation in general. Our aim is to establish a Verzoenkamer for newcomers where they can settle their disputes, their past or their future.
We give our touch to Lola Lik by bringing knowledge on law and dispute resolution and we can get people in touch with the right lawyers in our network. We organise events at Lola Lik, such as an event about the purpose of law in which we hope to gather knowledge and original views and ideas of Lola Lik for a better legal system.
Room #2.40